
It can be as relaxing as a vacation to the Bahamas (unless you’ve read my drowning experience post), or as frustrating as having slow internet connection. It is as simple as blinking–yet as difficult as saying “toy boat” 5 times in a row as fast as you can without messing up. Go on, take 5-10 seconds to try and figure out what the heck I’m talking about; this might not be your guess but I’m talking about singing! Their are no few words, nor paragraphs to describe how wonderful, useful, soothing, or spectacular singing can be. It is just plain……..awesome.

One of the best things about singing is how stress-relieving it can be. I come home from an exhausting day at school, slamming my 2-ton backpack on the tile floor–probably breaking everything inside it (including my iPad). “UGHHHHHHHHAAAA!” My screeching voice echoing throughout my empty house. “I have 3 tests tomorow and a TON of homework!” I yell as I realize I’m not talking to anyone. “Ugh!” I annoyingly say as I take out my phone. I scroll around, looking for some fun games to play and then I see the iTunes Radio icon. Mmmmm I wonder what good is out right now, I think to myself. I sluggishly walk to my room and crash on my plush bed. My ears stream through the variety of songs, 5 minutes later I find myself singing along to Demi Lovato’s newest album. My tensions fade away as the harmonious melodies fly from my mouth. Ahhhh, I sigh in remedy, I couldn’t even remember why I was so angry when I came home from school 20 minutes ago. So whenever you feel angry or stressed, a little singing can’t hurt.

Another one of the millions of reasons why singing is awesome is for personal enjoyment and to express all of your inside emotions. As one of my favorite singers of all time, Demi Lovato, went through some tragic struggles throughout her childhood life. However, she used singing as an escape from all of her worriers. She went from a very emotional, depressed person to one of the most upbeat superstars of our time. If it weren’t for her enjoyment of singing, the music community could be totally different than what it is now.

All in all, if you’re bored and have nothing to do, or if you have boatloads of homework that just keep stacking on top of each other, singing can be the perfect remedy for even more “school-iosis” (plus a little more chocolate!). Whenever you feel mad, sad, stressed, confused, or frustrated, sing for a bit and just let it go. 😄

2 thoughts on “Singing

  1. I love the shout out at the end to “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen (at least I think it was a shout out!). My biggest regret is that I don’t have a nice singing voice, but I do agree that it can relieve stress. I usually save my singing for the car when I’m alone, then I can sing along with the radio at the top of my lungs. I think listening to music helps too. It might be nice to have more music in schools; maybe between classes!

  2. I think singing really helps too! Sometimes I just crack into a fun song just cause I’m “Happy” (O hope you got that little riddle there), or hum a slow tune when I feel tired or stressed. Singing heals my worries and fears everyday.

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