One Victory, 5 Seconds-Concrete Language

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There I was, standing 30 feet away from victory.

I glanced at the score board- 24 to 23. This was it.

Thousands of eyes stared me down- watching my every move.

No mistakes now…I thought as I drew my trembling arm back.

I toss the ball slightly to the right lining it up perfectly with my right arm. I hit the ball.

The sound of silence filled the air.

The ball barely grazed over the top of the net-a stream of panic surged through my body.

Time stood still.

The ball slowly rolled over the net… onto the other side.

It hits the ground. ACE!!!!! The sound of the crowd vibrated through my head.

A smile spread from cheek to cheek.

We had done it! We had won!

Made by: Allyson, Gracen, and Hannah.

Summer- Concrete Language

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     I pant and pant as my feet hop from foot to foot on the scorching pavement, longing for the refreshing taste of ice cold lemonade. I’m nearly blinded when beads of sweat slip into the corners of my eyes–stinging me endlessly. My dry throat moans as the blazing sun strikes my skin, creating craters of red spots and rashes. I hear the sound of  college beach parties, along with the radio’s music vibrating through my ear-drums. The waves crash against the boardwalk, taunting me to get sucked in to its soothing waters. My mouth waters when the aroma of sizzling burgers and barbecue hit my nose–luring me like a rope being pulled around my waist.

 The invisible jellyfish around me sting my whole body, frying my skin–literally.

    My burning legs ache as I walk through the last steps of the wildfire, seeing the corner of a lemonade stand. It looked as if everything was spinning around me in circles, or was that just the sweat blurring up my vision? I couldn’t take the heat engulfed around me, I was trapped. The fire traveled through the foam of my shoes, up my hunched spine, and poured through every inch of me. I was about to collapse until I slipped on a pool of melted ice cream. “Uhhh, reality check! Stop overreacting like this, it’s just a little sun.” I hear a small voice say in the back of my head. I groan annoyingly as I stumble to get up. I slowly walk to the lemonade stand, grabbing a cup of lemonade and throwing a drenched 10 dollar bill on the counter (when it was really 10 cents). I’m speechless for a moment, looking so closely to the lemonade cup that I can see my horrid reflection–EGH! I looked hideous… I almost felt like pouring it on top of me but instead I drank it in one gulp. The sour yet sweet taste tickled down my throat, extinguishing all of the heat. It felt even better than drinking a glass of milk after eating something really spicy. “Ahh!”I sigh in relief. “Well, only 100 days more of summer to go!”