I am the one who…Poem

I am the one who…

…endeavors to care for and support my loved ones when their emotions are brewed, when they’re physically or mentally injured, or when their heart has been tampered with.

…devours all of the fresh food on the dinner table right after an exhausting class of taekwondo, as I smell the permeated scent of spicy chicken drifting from a row of glass plates.

…expresses myself through playing the piano, letting all of my emotions flow out of my fingertips transforming the feelings into a beautiful harmonic sound.

…spars in taekwondo until my muscles are numb, my vision gets blurry, and my asthma gets so inflamed that the oxygen fails to enter my lungs, though I keep pushing myself to not give up until I finally collapse.

…visualizes problems outside of the box, the student who always has a bright light bulb above her head, the girl who thinks the opposite direction of what everyone else thinks.

…pours my heart and soul into my writing, envisioning scenes and stories in my head as the words automatically appearing on the piece of paper, making my journal and my pencil the most personal things I own.

…suffers from the horrible skin disease known as eczema, banning me from swimming in a public pool, and making me apply tons and tons of lotion at night causing me to feel so uncomfortable that I can barely sleep.

…views hours and hours of youtube (if I have the chance), browsing from channel to channel, watching a funny cat video every 30 minutes, eventually having my eyes glued to a bright computer screen while sitting around doing nothing.

…solves hard math equations, always figuring out new methods and concepts when challenged with a harder problem, and always trying to finish a problem faster than everyone else, oddly finding it interesting as an every day habit.

…annoys my 17 year-old brother, whining about everything he demands me to do, hitting him when he treats me like his slave, and shouting at him when he sleeps in my room because my bed is more comfortable than his; nevertheless I will always love him from the moon and back no matter how annoying he can get.

This poem really expresses the deeper parts of who I am, and hopefully the people who don’t know me will get an idea of what my personality is like. I put a lot of emotion into this poem mainly because I wanted to learn more about who I am as a writer, and to learn more about myself and my emotions. I hope you liked or are inspired by this poem, and it would mean a lot if you would commented, too! Bye!

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